Purchasing packaging to launch a global cross-division AO
In a context of reorganization and rationalization, the packaging purchasing team needed a reinforcement to maintain the business and launch an AO global cross division.
The purpose of the consultant was to:
- Manage the transition period
- Participate in the consolidation of data to carry out the AO.
The mission carried out by the AgileBuyer consultant was developed through several elements such as:
- The analysis of the two portfolios
- Communication + Requirements for Internal Clients
- Consolidation of data
- The definition of strategy with the europe team
- Communication with « call for tenders » providers
- Policy alignment with internal clients
- Kick-off meeting providers + negotiations
- Ensuring communication during the transition period with suppliers
- Maintaining the business during the transition period
- Launch global AO
- Target savings of 5% or 3M € on the Cartons section
- Its knowledge of the market allows the consultant to deal effectively with suppliers
- Its expertise in the field of packaging
- Its expertise in the world of purchasing and in the analysis of its processes
- Its methodology for delivering concrete, visible and measurable results