Purchasing research and clinical/non-clinical development
As part of the creation of the Purchasing R & D department, the purchasing team member was asked to ensure:
- The largest coverage Purchases
- To manage and review framework contracts
- The commercial negotiation
- The creation of Purchasing tool
- The benchmark of non-clinical R & D activities.
To carry out this project, AgileBuyer negotiated premature terminations of a clinical program using three clinical studies.
This step allowed to launch several actions such as:
- The setting up of the renewal of the framework contract with the monopoly supplier
- The creation of a contract “Biometrics subcontractor”
AgileBuyer then worked on the negotiations:
- T & C with suppliers without framework contract
- New Clinical Trial
- Sharing non-clinical activities into an AO
- License purchasing
- Economy of 2M € on a scoop of 20M € of purchase
- Increase in RFA, limitation of tariff increases
- Negotiation of the total cost (reduction of the daily rate by recalculating the productivity rate)
- Improvement of the timelines
- Its experience in the field of health and his knowledge of the specificities of this market
- Its expertise in the world of purchasing and in the analysis of its processes.
- Its ability to deliver concrete, measurable results